Welcome to SOMS ENL Learning Center

We are off to a great start this year in the ENL Learning Center. We have been getting to know each other and learning our new schedules here at SOMS. One of our big goals is to build confidence so we thought carefully about what we like about ourselves. Check out our Best Part of Me  project below.

Making Windsocks

We read How to Make a Windsock and then we made our own windsocks.

First, we decoarted large colored paper.


Next, we used tape to make our paper into a tube shape.



Then we added a ribbon to the top of the tube.


We also added short ribbons around the bottom of the tube.



Last we took our new windsocks outside to see if they worked.

We held the windsocks by the strings and let the wind blow through them as we ran around.

***video coming soon***

Summer Fun


Welcome back to ESL everyone! We are going to have a great year.

To start off the year I can't wait to hear about all of the fun times you had over the summer.

We will be sharing our stories and asking each other questions about the "summer fun"  page I gave to all of you in June.

here is a link if you need another copy>Summer Fun with drawing or Summer Fun with photos

summer-kids.jpgPlease bring in your page completed with photos or drawings of 2 fun times you had over the summer that you want to share.

The Little Red Hen




We read a few versions of the fable The Little Red Hen. We practiced retelling the story by acting it out as the characters. We also compared the different endings of the books we read. Each student tried to think as if he or she was the Little Red Hen. They decided if they would share the bread with their friends or not.


Watch the video of the story and talk about it at home.


Questions to discuss


Would you share your bread?


Who does all the work at your house?