Cottage Lane Elementary School Room 308

Category news

Science Videos

Here are the links for 2 science videos we will be using this week during our menu of measurement activities. How Old Is Earth   What is the coldest place on earth?   Click on the link and make sure… Continue Reading →

Word of the Month: Empathy

September Roses is another great book like 14 Cows for America. Both demonstrate how others show empathy. “On September 11, 2001, two sisters from South Africa are flying to New York City with 2,400 roses to be displayed at a… Continue Reading →

Happy first week of school!

Today is the 7th day of school, which means we have enjoyed one entire calendar week together in 4th grade. It has been a busy few days of getting to know one another, getting used to our classroom routines and… Continue Reading →

Welcome back!

Welcome to fourth grade! Stay tuned for more updates to our class website.

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