We have a lot of exciting events this week, so please read the following updates carefully:

*Wednesday = Book Fair @ 10:15 –> send your child with money if you would like

*Thursday = math unit test
Topics: angles & protractors, polygons (especially quadrilaterals), measurement (with a ruler and conversions between units), area, and perimeter, and line symmetry

Thursday morning we will be holding office hours starting at 8:45am for extra review.

Also, a study guide is going home today that is due on Wednesday. This will cover all of the topics on the unit test as well.

*Friday = Rockland Read in!
-We will be having a class breakfast 🙂
-Students may wear pajamas and bring in a stuffed animal and favorite read aloud/book

Please reach out to us with any questions, and thank you, as always, for your collaboration and support!