
Listen to one of the stories below. Then post one way you have shown acceptance.

Example: I remember seeing a brand new teacher in our building sitting alone at lunch. Mrs. Cuccia and I invited her to sit with us. We learned that even though we were older than her, we had so much in common. We are all now good friends.

Image result for big al read aloud   Big Al  by Andrew Clements

unknown     Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

Every day all over Australia, children are laughing and crying, playing and learning, eating and sleeping. They may not look the same or speak the same language, but inside, they are just like you. This story weaves its way across cultures and generations, celebrating the bond that unites us all.

31myhwemb4l-_sy479_bo1204203200_ One by Kathryn Otoshi

Blue is a quiet color. Red’s a hothead who likes to pick on Blue. Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple don’t like what they see, but what can they do? When no one speaks up, things get out of hand — until One comes along and shows all the colors how to stand up, stand together, and count. Readers learn about accepting each other’s differences and how it sometimes just takes one voice to make everyone count.


Same Same But Different by Jenny Kostecki-Shaw

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Elliot lives in America, and Kailash lives in India. They are pen pals. By exchanging letters and pictures, they learn that they both love to climb trees, have pets, and go to school. Their worlds might look different, but they are actually similar. Same, same. But different!

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