Having a growth mindset means that you know you can train your brain to get smarter. Let’s watch the video below to understand how we can train our brain! Often, we are much harder on ourselves than we are on other people. The power of positive self-talk is way for us to change our words and grow our brains. Positive self-talk and reaching goals is an important life skill. changing-dialogue_24Look at the chart below with a partner and talk about how you can use positive self-talk this year to train your brain to get smarter. How can positive self-talk help you achieve your goals for this school year? 61x8HTkx5UL._SY497_BO1,204,203,200_Read: Everyone Can Learn to Ride a Bicycle by Chris Raschka Learning to ride a bike is one of life’s challenges. Most people think that all children will jump at the chance to learn to ride their bicycles, and the attempt will come easy to them. This is not true. I personally know many adults who never learned to ride a bike…they had never been physically daring enough or were simply terrified at the idea! What if they used positive self-talk? Watch the video below and smile as this boy shares his positive self-talk with us! Using the iPad, take a “selfie”. What is your goal for this year? Using positive self- talk, create a realistic goal for the 2015-2016 school year. Upload your “selfie” to the the Google Presentation slide that has your name on it. Insert a speech bubble by selecting: Insert>Shape>Callout. Arrange your ‘selfie’ and the speech bubble on the page so it looks like you are speaking. Type your goal in the speech bubble. Check back in a few weeks to remind yourself of your goal. Use positive self-talk all year to be all that you can be!