Morning Meetings

Good Morning, Room 306!

How is your life as a reader going? Think about your reading and reflect on your at home reading habits.  Do you have a favorite reading spot?   Have you been consistent or has your reading been a bit “spotty”?  If you found a way to get back on track, share with others!

You should think about making a reading log, a little “bulletin board” or use an anchor chart. Just use a piece of paper.  Be creative!  Give it a catchy title or just use,  “Currently Reading!”

For today’s morning meeting. please comment below about the book you are reading, something that is going well in your reading or a reading goal that you’ve made.  You are encouraged to respond or comment on someone else’s post, as well!!

We are excited see everyone’s response!!

29 thoughts on “Morning Meetings

  1. I am the reading Dork Diaries Tales from a not so Glam TV Star. And a goal I have about my book is to finish the book in a another 2 days because I want to try and read a little bit faster.

  2. I just finished reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I really liked it. My favorite place to read is my bedroom. It is quiet and cozy there. I am starting Diary of a Wimpy Kid Roderick Rules today. My goal is to finish the book in 3 days.

  3. I’m reading Bad Guys. My favorite place to read is on my couch. I’m going to finish Bad Guys today. The next book I’m reading is The Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade Thats one book. My goal is to finish the last kids on earth is going to be 5 or 6 maybe 7.

  4. Im reading THE HORSE AND HIS BOY, my favorite reading spot is in my moms room. My goal is to read all of C.S LEWIS books from beginning to end.

  5. I´ḿ reading The Seventh Most Important Thing. My goal is to finish it in 1-2 days. My favorite place to read is on the couch.

  6. I´m reading The Seventh most important thing. My goal is to finish it in 1 to 2 days. My favorite place to read is on my couch.

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