
Sudoku is a number placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the 3×3 boxes contain all of the digits from 1 to 9.

Try to complete the easy, medium and hard puzzles from class. Or go online for a daily puzzle…

SUDOKU of the day!

Grandfather Tang

The tangram is a puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap. It is one of the most popular puzzles in the world. Tangrams are an excellent way to increase mental and visual skills. Using imagination, geometrical shapes, letters, numbers, figures, boats, animals and objects can bring great fun along with a challenge.

Let’s play online!

Now try these shapes…Four Piece Tangram Puzzles

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

dr-seussDr. Seuss (Dr. Theodor Geisel) was born over 100 years ago on March 2nd.

Children always enjoy listening to bouncy rhythms and reciting catchy rhymes. By reading and listening to stories and poems with rhythms and rhymes, we explore how language and sounds work. This helps us to develop our vocabulary, memory, and concepts of writing. Listen to the story, There’s a Wocket in my Pocket.

Even though the Dr. Seuss used silly, meaningless words, why were we able to understand their meanings? silly, or made up, rhyming words are often used to construct poems. Read “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll and “Bleezer’s Ice Cream” by Jack Prelutsky. Try to write your own silly poem.

Celebrate Dr. Seuss in Seussville where you can play variety of games and activities, and find information about favorite Seuss characters.

March is Integrity

This month’s superpower is Integrity.  Integrity is the quality of being honest, having strong moral principles and total sincerity. Oprah Winfrey states, “Real integrity is doing the right thing knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.”

Monica Kulling introduces us to the fascinating Margaret Knight. Known as Mattie, she was different from most American girls living in 1850. In the Bag! Margaret Knight Wraps it Up provides a great opportunity to celebrate problem-solving, creativity, inventions, perseverance and integrity.

Check out this website Inspire My Kids.  Select one of the quotes and post a comment about what it means to you.

MLK & Poetry

We can a learn a lot about character from Martin Luther King, Jr. His birthday is in January and February is Black History month.. Listen to Kid President’s video on how King taught us that things won’t always be awesome, but your response can be.

Remember, things don’t always have to be they are. We can change them! Kids can change them.

Let’s use a creative form of poetry, Blackout Poetry, to share our own message of hope and perseverance with MLK: An American Leader.  For homework, post your poem to this blog.

Additional Resources:

February’s Superpower is Compassion

Compassion is caring about others more than yourself.

Will you ask someone to join you at lunch? Will you reach out and play with someone at recess?  Will you listen more to those around you?

Be a “Soup-er” Hero and bring in a soup can and another item for our local food pantries.  SOCES is asking 3rd graders to bring in canned vegetables, 4th graders to bring in peanut butter or jelly, and 5th graders to bring in canned tuna, chicken and other canned meat.

Eve Bunting’s Train to Somewhere is our book of the month.  Many orphans were placed with caring families across the United States.  Read to find out if Marianne is chosen to be with a compassionate family.

Remember our Compassion Twins message for this month. “Show Love. Be Kind. Keep Compassion on Your Mind.”