…and the debate is on!

The class has been working with Mrs. Eyer on debates. Last week the class made name tags and learned how to address each other when speaking. They learned to knock on the table when they agreed with a person’s statement. Brainstorming a topic and how they feel about a certain topic proved to be very exciting. The first topic was whether they thought there should be video cameras in the school. The children gave statements and backed up their thoughts with evidence. It was amazing to watch the class in action.

Our new topic that they started to brainstorm was whether or not the tire swing should be fixed on the playground.  Ask your child about how they feel and remember they must support their thoughts.

Post your thoughts. Do you think the tire swing at William O. Schaefer should be fixed? Give evidence to support your statement.

16 thoughts on “…and the debate is on!

  1. The tire swing should not be fixed because it is dangerous. You can get badly hurt on the tire swing like the article Mrs. Eyer read to us before we brainstormed. That is why I don’t think the tire swing should be repaired. Sometimes it goes to fast and you can get sick from the tire swing. The problem is too that there should only be 1 pusher but usually there’s more like 5 to 9 pushers, which is not good so we shouldn’t get it repaired.

  2. I think the tire swing should be fixed because it’s really fun and a lot of people like it. If it does get rebuilt, I think that they should build it safer. If you don’t like the tire swing, you don’t have to go on it.

  3. I think that the tire swing should be repaired. Because there are kindergarteners who have not tried the tire swing and could learn from the experiences of the tire swing.

  4. I think the tire swing should be fixed because new students will be able to experience the tire swing during recess. It is different than the regular swings and 3-4 friends can play at the same time on it. If 3 kids sat on the tire and 1 pushed, then they can switch and take turns and more kids can enjoy the swing at the same time. The tire swing is a kid favorite at the playground. If everyone followed the playground rules, we can all play on the tire swing and not get hurt.

  5. The tire swing should be repaired because there are Kindergarteners who have not had the experience to go on the tire swing. And they can learn from the tire swing too.

    • Hi Emerson! I am wondering what kindergarten students can learn from the tire swing. Can you please explain your thinking? Thanks!

  6. I think should be repaired because not everyone gets to go on it because coach Hudson’s recess is short. Now that it is gone no one can go on it anymore. They might think that it isn’t fair that they didn’t get to go on it. Other kids have gotten hurt on the swings and monkey bars but we didn’t get rid of them.

  7. The tire swing should be repaired because there aren’t enough swings. There are only 3 swings without the tire swing. Three swings are not enough for all the kids who play on the playground.

  8. Wow!
    What a response to the thoughts about the tire swing at WOS. I am sure Mrs. Eyer cannot wait to hear your statements and evidence. Be ready to Debate!!

    • Mrs. Fanning & Mrs. Heinemann… your students are amazing!! I am very impressed with their thinking but I am especially impressed with the evidence they provide to back up their thinking!
      Well done Senators!!

  9. I think the tire swing should be repaired because the swing has a loose chain and if it is not repaired, someone could fall and get hurt.

  10. What great thinking! This is going to be helpful information when Mrs. Polansky and myself have to make this important decision. Can’t wait to hear about the debate.

  11. Even though people like the tire swing, you can get hurt or you can get sick. For example, if a tire swing goes too fast you could fall off and get hurt or you could throw up.

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