Road to Revolution Debate



Who is on trial? The American colonists


The Issue:  Did the colonists have the right to revolt?


The class will be divided into three groups


  • England: Will attempt to prove that the colonists did not have the right to representation in Parliament and that the colonists were not justified in the boycotts and revolt of British taxation.


  • Colonists: Will attempt to prove that the colonists did have the right to representation in Parliament and that the colonial response to British taxation was justified.


  • Jury: Will deliver a verdict on the debate.  Jury members should base their decision on the testimonies of the English or Colonial presenters.


Trial Procedure


  1. Opening statements

-England’s opening statement.

-American colonists opening statement.


  1. England presents witnesses

-Both the jury and colonists can cross-examine.

-Witnesses will always be able to make a closing statement.


Each representative should have a typed summary of their position.


  1. Colonists present witnesses

-Both the jury and English representatives can cross-examine.

-Witnesses will always be able to make a closing statement.


Each representative should have a typed summary of their position.


  1. Closing Statements.


Road to Revolution Debate






4 3 2 1
Use of Facts/Statistics Every major point was well supported with several relevant facts, statistics and/or examples. Every major point was adequately supported with relevant facts, statistics and/or examples. Every major point was supported with facts, statistics and/or examples, but the relevance of some was questionable. Every point was not supported.
Crosses / Rebuttal All counter arguments were accurate, relevant and strong. At least 5 counterpoints were attempted. All counter arguments were accurate, relevant and strong. At least 3 counterpoints were attempted. Most counter arguments were accurate and relevant, but several were weak. At least 2 counter points attempted. Counter arguments were not accurate and/ or relevant. One of fewer counterpoints made.
Presentation Style Consistently used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience. Usually used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience. Sometimes used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience. Presentation style did not keep the attention of the audience.
Preparation and Conduct On task during prep time and thoroughly engaged during the debate. Mostly on task during prep time. Engaged during the debate. Mostly on task during the prep time, but not engaged during the trial. Or, engaged during the trial but poor use of prep time. Poor use of prep time and / or disengaged during the trial.
Written Response Lawyers: Demonstrated knowledge and understanding (Typed)

Jury member: Demonstrated knowledge and analysis. Decision was based on testimony during trial and included specific examples. (Typed)

Same as “4” but not typed. Lawyers: Demonstrated some knowledge and understanding.

Jury member: Demonstrated knowledge and some analysis. No mention of testimony.

Lawyers and Jury members: Poorly written with little relevance to trial and/or events


Graphic Organizer ( to be filled out by each student )