Assignments are being uploaded into google classroom.  You are not obligated to complete these assignments yet.  If you would like to go ahead and complete the work you may do so BUT IT IS NOT MANDATORY as of this date.

We will be using Google classroom along with the online text book and the class blog to communicate.  Please take a moment and join google classroom using the class codes below if you have’t done so already.

If you need your password for Connect Ed (online textbook) or if you have ANY issues just email me directly at and we will work it out.  Continue to check this blog for all updates.   Stay safe and be kind to others 🙂    Best Regards – Mr. A


Period 1 – fu4phko

Period 3 – cosim4g

Period 4 – gddlyie

Period 8 – 7qg5wbd

Period 9 – wvzxdth