11/11 Monday –  Veterans Day.  SCHOOL IS CLOSED  Thank a Veteran for their service.

*This week’s focus is to review for the Chapter 2 Test this Friday.  We will not be doing current events this week.  Use this link for a key to the Chapter 2 Review Terms and Ideas      Ch 2 Review Terms and Ideas Key

Mrs. Kukla is having a review on Tuesday after school and she has invited any of Mr. Amandola’s students to join her.  You all have a study guide and packet of class notes from Lessons 1-4.  Remember the strategies we discussed:  Study with a partner.  Make a quizlet or flashcards.  Use the Online Textbook to do the online Quizzes at the end of each lesson and at the end of the chapter 2 review – this is a great way to practice the DBQ style questions.  You can review the maps about the Columbian Exchange below.   There is also a Kahoot on the webpage.

11/12  Tuesday   Review Chapter 2 Activity  Packets “New Spain” and “Early Explorers”

11/13   Wednesday Chapter 2 Study Guide Review

11/14   Thursday – KAHOOT! Review for Test tomorrow!   Bring 2  sharpened #2 pencils for tomorrow’s test

11/15  Friday –   Chapter 2 Test    *NOTE – Optional Extra Credit  DBQ Essay from New Spain Packet is due today