The Pearl Essay – Due Friday 2/14/14

Informative/Explanatory Essay

Due date: FRIDAY 2/14/14   **CHANGE IN DUE DATE

*If you are going away for winter break, you must be sure to hand in your essay prior to leaving! 

Your Task: For this essay on The Pearl, you will choose, one of the following ideas and develop it into an organized, five paragraph essay. Be sure to answer the question in a succinct, comprehensive, five-paragraph essay. Your essay should:

  • Be at least 5 paragraphs
  • Be at least 2-3 three typed, double-spaced pages, size 12, Times New Roman font, with the proper heading, and creative essay title
  • Contain a claim and quotes from the novel that support your claim statement.

 Choose a topic of interest from the options:

  •  Who or what is most responsible for the tragedy that Kino and his family experience?
  •  Using quotes from the novel, trace Kino’s development from man to animal to machine. Discuss why these changes occurred within Kino. Then, explain what Kino is at the end of the novel (man, animal, or machine) when he “drew back his arm and flung the pearl with all his might” back into the sea.
  •  Trace the symbolism of the pearl throughout the novel. What various things does the pearl symbolize?  What does it mean to Kino at different stages of the novel?  What does it mean to different members of the community?
  •  Is Kino a hero or a fool? Make a case for one of the two options and provide references from the novel to support your position.

Writing Corner: (Class Notes)
1. Introduction Notes
Body Paragraph Notes
3. Quotes, Transitions, and Diction Notes
4. Conclusion Notes
5.  Peer Revision Notes

 The Essay Handouts:

  1. The Pearl Essay Prompts
  2. The Pearl Graphic Organizer for Essay
  3. Revision Checklist, Reflection, and Peer Editing Form
  4. Transitional words and phrases chart






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