Narrative Point of View Comic Strips

Narrative Point of View Comic Strips

 Task: Create four comic strips showing four different narrative view points.

  1. Log on to StoryBoard That to create your comic strips. In order to create an account you must use your school email, first name and the first initial only of your last name.
  2. Each comic strip will contain dialogue (word bubbles) and narration (square narration boxes).
  3.  Each comic strip should be narrated using one of the following perspectives: first-person, second-person, third-person objective, third-person limited, and third-person omniscient.
  4.  Make an effort.  Use storyboard that to create your four comic strips.
  5.  If you decide to work with a partner, you will make FIVE comic strips. 

Storyboard that Directions:

Join Storyboard That

Comic Strip Rubric:

1. Knowledge:  Did you label the narrator’s view point correctly in each comic strip?

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Doesn’t understand                       Made a few mistakes          Made a  couple  mistakes              Made a mistake                    Well done!

2. Completion: Did you make four comic strips?  Did you add narration, dialogue, and pictures?

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Mostly incomplete                       One complete                           Two complete                   Missing something                   Fully Complete

3. Quality:  Did you attempt to create a good story, nice pictures, or both?

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Very sloppy                            Not grade level appropriate                 Started off strong but rushed the end                            High-Quality Work

 4. Effort: Does your completed project reflect an appropriate amount of effort?

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                          Very little effort applied                    Try harder                    You can do better.                                       Good Work