Obituary Project

You and your partner will be creating a piece of writing that honors ONE of the victims from The Diary of Anne Frank. Choose either ONE of the following ways to write your memorial piece.

You must complete this task in your google drive and share it with your partner and in order to earn credit. Name the document both of your last names and the title of the project. 

Option 1: Prose (Obituary/News Article)- Write an Obituary/news article honoring the person’s life and death

Option 2: Poetry – Write a poem or song honoring the person’s life and death.

Rubric: anne frank obituary poem rubric

Regardless of the format you choose, you must include as much about the person as you can. Here is a list of some of the information you can include in your news article or poem:


  • Full name of the deceased, including nickname, if any
  • Age at death
  • Day and date of death
  • Place of death
  • Cause of death


  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Names of parents/siblings/children/spouse
  • Marriage(s): date of, place, name of spouse
  • Education: school, college, university and other
  • Achievements/Disappointments
  • Unusual attributes, humor, other stories
  • Who will miss them: family/friends/pets (if appropriate


  • One quotation from the play that sums up their character
  • Three words that sum up their life

 Writing Guide:Obituary Writing Guide

Prose How to Sheet

Requirements for the Obituary/News Article

 Even though you are not writing poetry, there is still an opportunity to be CREATIVE with the language and style you use in the news article.

Here are some guidelines that will help you meet the requirements and boost your creativity!

News article Requirements:

  • Develop a creative Headline! Add literary elements to the headline. For example, many headlines have alliteration or rhyme to grab the reader’s attention. See the Literary Element HELP SHEET on the resource table for more information about literary elements.
  • Begin the article with a LEAD that clearly introduces the person you are writing about.
  • Bring in quotes from The Diary of Anne Frank! Bringing in actual quotes that the playwrights used will really add voice to the piece!
  • Add the information you found when researching.
  • Organize your writing piece into different paragraphs.
  • Incorporate formal and unbiased/objective language. Remember that this is a news article and it should report information…leave your opinions out!
  • Make sure to use the resource table! There are great samples of obituaries!


Poetry How to Sheet!

Requirements for the poetry piece

If you have made the decision to write a poem, I applaud your creativity! Just make sure to see and adhere to the guidelines below.

 Poetry Guidelines:    

  • Make sure your poem is at least 15 lines.
  • Incorporate research and information into the poem.
  • Use information from the play in addition to the information you found online.
  • Break up the lines into stanzas.
  • Consider maybe using some kind of organized structure. Example: Four lines per stanza
  • Incorporate at least three literary devices into your poem! See the Literary Element HELP SHEET on the resource table for more information about literary elements.

Please Note: Your poem does not have to necessarily rhyme, but rhyme could be one of the three elements you use in your poems.

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