

You are the editor of your town’s newspaper. As editor, you have many important decisions to make. You must be careful to select stories that will match the interests of your readers. A good newspaper, however, also has to keep the public informed of major news events.

Sometimes, those goals come into conflict when the lead story must be selected. Today is one of those days. Your reporters have brought four important stories to your desk. The paper will be printed in a few short hours, so you don’t have long to decide.

Which of the following will you choose to run as the lead story? Be sure to explain your choice with use of our studied persuasive techniques. You must post your response and respond to one other posting on padlet wall below.

  • Dog becomes hero, saves baby from burning house
  • Cargo ship sinks, major water contamination feared
  • Governor caught in bribery scheme
  • New factory to open, creates 300 jobs

9 thoughts on “Headliners!

  1. I picked number 3 (new factory to open creates 300 jobs) because Some people have been losing jobs and this is a good opportunity for people to get jobs again. πŸ™‚

  2. A factory opening is good for the ecomny. This is good because the factory will give 300 people who don’t have jobs. This is good for the ecomny because if more people have jobs then they will spend more money. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. I choose New Factory To Open , creates 300 jobs because most people are looking for jobs & they never have there oppertunity to look at the factory. Well now they have an oppertunitys.

  4. i picked number 2 Cargo ship sinks, major water contamination feared i picked that because it could polute the water.

  5. Dog becomes hero, saves baby from burning house. I picked this because I like dogs alot and animals and I think its very cute that the dog saved the baby from a buring house. I picked these out of these 4 because I thought it would be a good headline for people to read so picked this one. People should pick this headline because its a good headline and I think people will enjoy it and like it alot. As well as I do.

  6. I choosed the first one because seing a dog saving a baby from a burning building every day. That is why I choosed that one. πŸ™‚

  7. I choose New factory to open, creates 300 jobs because there are alogt of people that are looking jobs & they are never have the oppertunities . Well now they do since they opened the factory .

  8. Dog becomes hero, saves baby from buring building. I think that this headline is great because it tells you that mans best friend come to the resuce again. This dog is a hero he was risking his life for a baby.