Rules & Regulations

Expedition 306’s Blog Rules & Regulations

Welcome to our new blog!  This will be a great place to share your thoughts with the class and even some reading responses, but there are some rules you’ll need to remember:

1.  Keep your password in a safe place.  Do not share it with anyone except your parents.  If you think someone else knows your password, we can change it to something else.  Just let Miss Zatarga know.

2.  Never, EVER write your last name on the blog.  This includes parents.  Say “John’s mom” instead of “Mrs. Smith.”

3.  Do not share personal information, such as your phone number or address, or specific places you’ll be at certain times.

4.  You must be polite to your classmates.  Compliment their work.  Say hello.  Do not write anything that would hurt someone’s feelings.

5.  Do not link to any inappropriate websites.  If you’re not sure if something is appropriate, ask Miss Zatarga.

6.  Use your best capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

Violation of the Posting Guidelines will result in the loss of your posting privileges.

A Special Note from Mrs. Polansky & Ms. Carr at WOS