Awesome Apps for Kids

Oh! Apps! For iPad! I can email these apps to you if it’s easier! Just ask

Too Noisy – rates how noisy surroundings/people are

Classroom Timer – an easy timer for kids

Daily brain – cool daily tidbits

Stick Pick – pick different kids names but I’m sure you could do different choices

Spelling City – find a list to review

Tellagami – create a how to with an avatar

Screen Chomp – record directions while showing how to solve a problem or even how to draw

Fotobabble (iPhone) – take a photo and record a story to go with it

ShowMe – places where people have made videos (for elementary math and more) and you can create your own too.

Google Earth – cool app/website to see the world from a satellite in space

Stuck on Earth – very cool app that you can look at photos that have been taken anywhere in the world, even like Bedford NY has photos.

WWF Together – very cool way to look at lots of different animals and facts about them

National Geographic World Atlas – neat world map that gives great close ups with information about places

iWriteWords – connect the dots. Might be good for kids to use a stylus with

Slice it – app of cutting things into different parts

I will keep looking!