Happy Veteran’s Day! Let’s go on a Webquest! Take a Virtual Field Trip with me!

Take this virtual field trip to learn even more about Veteran’s Day! There are 5 different options for you to learn some extra information about Veteran’s Day! You get to choose how you want to learn about Veteran’s Day (you can choose as many as you want, all or 1 is fine!). Write down 4 pieces of neat information that you learned, thought about, or can connect to! Look at what I mean with my blog post.

Choice 1: Read this small informational text about Veteran’s Day.
VeteransDayReadingPassage (1)-page-0

VeteransDayReadingPassage (1)

Choice 2: Watch this short tribute to Veteran’s Day.

Choice 3: Look at all of this neat information about Veteran’s Day!

Choice 4: Read this kind poem.

Choice 5: Check out this website.

5 thoughts on “Happy Veteran’s Day! Let’s go on a Webquest! Take a Virtual Field Trip with me!

  1. Wow so much neat information!
    1. The very first Veteran’s Day was celebrated almost 100 years ago!!
    2. We should say thank you to veterans all of the time because they are important to us and to our country.
    3. Veteran’s Day started as Armistice Day, to celebrate the veterans of only World War I.
    4. I am going to write a letter to a friend who served in a war and say a great big thank you to show how much I appreciate for all he has done for our country.

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