Our last day in kindergarten

I cannot believe that our kindergarten year together is over! These kiddos have amazed and impressed me all year with their growth and learning.  Today we spent some time going down memory lane, sharing our favorite memories of our year together.  It is so hard for me to pick one favorite part of kindergarten, becuase I truly love kindergarten and all that it entails, but one of my very favorite things is that we start every day with a song of the month that we learn together.  It’s such a wonderful way to start our day together.  I used some of our morning songs in our rememberance of our year together.  Click below to watch.


And, because I said that the singing was one of my favorite parts of kindergarten, here is one of our favorite songs.  Enjoy!


And, on our last day together, we sang one of our favorites:


Keep singing and have a wonderful summer!


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