Mindfulness for Little Ones

We will be learning about being mindful here in kindergarten in the next coming weeks and then practicing it throughout the year.  We learn that being mindful means listening to our bodies and our emotions; it’s being in tune with ourselves.  Mindfulness also means to be calm.  Today we started to learn about feeling calm.  We talked about how sometimes we may feel cranky or upset, and it’s almost like we have a monster inside us.  We practiced deep breathing to help us feel calm again.  Here is a song that we listened to to help us with our deep breathing.  We called it “belly breathing.”

We were also introduced to our “Calm Down Corner” where we can go if we are feeling upset or cranky and need to practice belly breathing to calm down again.  We look forward to learning more about mindfulness together and giving our little ones some strategies to use to help them when they need them.

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