We are Flexible!

We practiced being flexible in our thinking with the story The Squiggle by Carole Lexa Schaefer.

After we read the story, we each used a red (ish) crayon to make a squiggle on a paper. We then passed our squiggles to another friend in the class and turned the squiggle into a drawing. We all did such a great job! This helped us to practice being flexible to think about what we could turn the squiggles in to. Look what we created!



I made the ocean.  -Dylan








I made a shark.  -Olivia






I made a boa constrictor.  -Luke







I made the ocean.  -Gabriel







I made a butterfly.  -Anabelle







I made a duck.  -Logan







I made a foot.  -Andrew










I made mountains.  -Oscar







I made the ocean.  -Dakota







I made a snake.  -Concheta







I made hills.  -James







I made a snake.  -Nicholas









I made a shark.  -Charlotte







I made a sloth.  -Avery







I made a mountain.  -Ryan







I made a snake.  -Grant







i made a snake.  -Adam







I made a snake.  -Alannah

















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