Today we talked about comparing numbers. We discussed the terms greater than, less than, and eqaul to. We also reviewed the symbols we use when compring numbers (<, >, =).
1. Write a problem of your own and share it on the blog.
2. Look at the problem the classmate before you wrote and solve it by replying to their post.
Is 9 > 3 or is 9 < 3? Solve it.
answer : 9 > 3
Is 100 > 600 or is 100 < 600 ? solve it
100 < 600
456 654 Use one of these symbols to solve the problem (< = >).
Which number is greater?
1,523 2,9999
Use the symbols < or > or = to
55,678 23,479 solve the problem
55,678>23,479 🙂
Excellent posts everyone!!!!!
243>300 or 243<300
243<300 is the right answer
22,120<3,000 or 3,000>22,120
233 31 answer that
54< 68 69> 54 anser this 78 98
Answer this-Is 1,201 less than or greater than 1,220