9/11- 11 Years Later

Tonight, ask one of your parents where they were on 9/11/01 and how they felt. Post their response to the blog.



16 thoughts on “9/11- 11 Years Later

  1. My dad was a new york city policeman then and was down there after the twin towers fell down. My dad said it was scary and very sad. My mom was teaching at north rokland when the twin towers fell.  My mom said she was very worried about my dad and all the other people.

  2. My mom was in her sophomore year gym class when the announcment was made. She was upset cause we had a cousin who worked as a NYC policeman and a cousin who worked in the pentagon, luckily everyone was safe. still very sad how many lives were lost. My dad happened to be home from school that  day and saw the news report and watched the second tower fall on tv 🙁 

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