Welcome Back!

-Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

I hope that you had a wonderful summer! 2nd grade will be a fun and exciting year. Please share a special memory that you have from your summer vacation!  cool

23 thoughts on “Welcome Back!

  1. On my summer vacation I went to new hampsher for three day. I got to sleep in a bunkbed  and i got to sleep on the top. I as so happy to see my grandpa for the first time this year.

  2. This summer I was very busy.  I went to a football camp a basketball camp and the Town camp.  They

     were awesome.  I also went to LBI and Universal Studios in Florida.  I had a great summer.


  3. I went to the beach with my mom and i got covered in sand and than when i came back i played my laptop and i wrote on i note what to say to my freinds in the game you can play multiplayer.I love my vacation soo much

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