October’s Word of the Month: Acceptance

Acceptance is the fact of allowing someone to become part of a group or community and making them feel welcome.
Assembly Read Aloud:51fvtiz5xrl The Sandwich Swap by Queen Rania of Jordan

The smallest things can pull us apart-until we learn that friendship is far more powerful than difference.


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samesame The Land of Many Colors chamilia whoever you are

Additional Titles:

oramge splotThe Big Orange Splot by Daniel Pinkwater

SneetchesThe Sneetches by Dr. Seuss

chrysanthemum_main Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

unique monique Unique Monique by Maria Rousaki


The Word of the Month…Perseverance!

Perseverance is this month’s superpower!

  • Perseverance is the courage it takes to continue trying despite previous failures.
  • Perseverance is the strength that gets you through times of trouble.
  • Perseverance is knowing that the road to success is paved with difficulty.
  • Perseverance is steady persistence in a course of action, especially in spite of discouragement.

Boy who harnessedthe windWe were inspired by William Kamkwamba’s story. When his village was hit by a drought, everyone’s crops began to fail. Without enough money for food and school, William spent his days in the library and figured out how to bring electricity to his village. Persevering against the odds, William built a functioning windmill out of junkyard scraps and became the local hero who harnessed the wind. View more here…Perseverance Assembly.

In addition, we had a visit from the Perseverance Phoenix. This mythical creature reminded us that when we are faced with an obstacle, we need to persevere and stay strong. Even in the worst of times a lot of hard work can make a huge difference to us and others.  Work hard this month and you just might earn a feather!

Interview an adult.  Determine a time in his/her life when he/she had to persevere and the result of this hard work.  Comment below to share this experience with our class blog!

Sojourner Truth

Born in New York circa 1797, Sojourner Truth was the self-given name, from 1843 onward, of Isabella Baumfree, an African-American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, New York, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. Read more…

Please share new knowledge that you gain from our assembly or from reading this post. Make sure you contribute something different than your classmates.


Buzz Scott, founder and adventurer of OceansWide, visited our school to share stories about his expedition’s travels in the Gulf of Maine. His team believes it is important to educate students about the amazing and mysterious world that exists offshore. Their ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) gave us a firsthand look into the wonders of the largest habitat on Earth.

What are some ways you can become more aware of the treasures deep beneath the waters and the ways you can become more involved in the importance of protecting them?

After you post your comment you might want to play one of the twenty-five educational games provided by NOAA’s Games Planet Arcade to learn more about oceans, wildlife, and weather.

Ralph Fletcher at CLE!

On January 28th, Ralph Fletcher shares his writing experiences with our students.  Listen to his picture book, Twilight Comes Twice.  He uses amazing, vivid, free-verse text to describe the transition from day to night and from night to day.  He makes these every day moments magical.

Select your favorite part of the day or year and make it magical.  Write one or two sentences on this post to create a vivid image for others.  Have your classmates try to name the moment you are describing.

Thank You, Veterans!

veterans day

Today is Veterans Day, a federal holiday honoring armed service veterans. It is held on the anniversary of the end of World War I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. (World War I formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. The Germans signed the Armistice.) Mr. Sayers and Mr. Krump served our country in addition to many Veterans who are close to our staff and students.  These men and women have a poppy dedicated to them at Cottage Lane. We thank them for the sacrifices they made to protect our country and our freedoms. Below is a video explaining Veterans Day and an interview with Mr. Krump. Please consider commenting about a veteran on Mrs. McBride’s blog AND enter the Lieutenant Michael Murphy Contest. See additional details below.

Mr. Krump – 5th Grade Teacher



Perseverance Essay Challenge

Deadline: November 21st