September is Wild about Character
This is going to be one WILD year at Cottage Lane!
With the release of Zootopia, we decided to be “wild” about Character Education this year. Each month we will focus on a character education trait, a book of the month and the main character which is an animal.
This is the 15th Anniversary of September 11th. There were many courageous people who died that day. This left others wanting to help and show empathy in some way. We as a community want to create the same atmosphere at Cottage Lane. “Because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort.”
“To heal a sorrowing heart, give something that is dear to your own.”
- Turn and talk – What can you do to show empathy?
- Share
- Star activity – How will you show empathy at CLE this year?
- Write your idea on a star, cut it out and return to the main office.
- All the stars will be formed into a shape of a cow. This display will remind us to be a caring community just like the Maasai.
Let’s go a be caring community and don’t forget to TRY ANYTHING!
- Pledge of Allegiance
- God Bless America
- Cottage Lane’s Spirit Heroism Bell
- Book of the Month: 14 Cows for America by Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah
14 Cows for America
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“To all the little children who read this book. You are the peace the world has been waiting for. May you grow to be compassionate diplomats.” -W.K.N.
Heroism Bell
Our Buddy Bench!
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