Our 4th graders are beginning to prepare their garden for winter with the help of parent volunteer Sabina Tyler. And boy, is there A LOT to do! After last year’s crop, there are lots of leftover radish plants and other plants that need to be pulled to make room for fresh soil and new plants. The students were able to begin the composting process by placing all the pulled weeds and radishes into the compost bins. In the spring, these bins will be turned so that the contents can decompose and provide fresh soil for the garden. They also repurposed some of the soil that was used for last year’s winter planting project to make room for more plants. Lastly, the students will begin to “lasagna” the garden beds with newspaper to help prevent weeds from growing in the spring. While in the garden students also had a chance to taste some pea shoots and fennel seeds from last year’s crop. The students LOVED the freshness of the garden plants.

This garden can only grow with the help of parent volunteers. If anyone is interested in helping out in the garden please let us know. You can email the Science Instructional Coach Samantha Levine at slevine@socsd.org for more information. We can’t wait to see what pops up next!

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