Cottage Lane Elementary School

Flight SchoolThis month Cottage Lane is “wild” about penguins and perseverance! As we begin the New Year, we set goals and need perseverance to achieve those goals.

  • Perseverance is a steady persistence with an idea or task despite obstacles.
  • Perseverance is not getting discouraged or giving up when tasks are difficult.
  • Perseverance is the continuance with challenges.

At today’s monthly assembly, students were provided with a variety of examples of goals but also how they are achieved with perseverance.  Mrs. Kahn led the school in singing I Can Do This by David Osmond.  We shared Lita Judge’s picture book, Take Flight.  Cottage Lane teachers were inspired by Soul Pancake’s social experiment, Cup of Success, and created their own video, Cup of Perseverance.  These stories and many more can be found on our Perseverance Assembly page. Students will be adding a feather with their goal to our hallway display.  We are looking forward to achieving these goals.

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