845.680.1500 ceckert@socsd.org

Mrs. Eckert and Mrs. Smith
Cottage Lane Elementary

The Peanuts Movie is out in theaters. Enjoy "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Full" video. Try Turkey Swap is to switch the locations of the turkeys and the pigs with as few moves as possible. You can move each tile by clicking on it. A tile can be moved to the empty...

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Celebrating Thanksgiving

Celebrating Thanksgiving

Here is our Thanksgiving video. All month we focused on the word 'Gratitude' discussing what it means and ways to show gratitude toward others. Research shows that by showing gratitude to others makes you feel better as an individual. Try it...take a moment to tell a...

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Newspaper Challenge

HTML CODE Last month over ninety students participated in the CLE Sock Challenge. It is time to get those creative juices going again! Mrs. McBride is offering another opportunity to put your designing skills to work. Find out more details for this month's challenge...

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Raz Kids

Raz Kids

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Word Power

Word Power

Quizlet Live

Quizlet Live

Wonder Wall

Wonder Wall

Book Flix- username and password are both cle345

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