845.680.1500 ceckert@socsd.org

Mrs. Eckert and Mrs. Smith
Cottage Lane Elementary


Our word of the month is acceptance. We have been discussing ways to accept others and be respectful of other people's cultures and traditions. Today we will celebrate each other with a multicultural luncheon sharing dishes that are common within our families heritages.

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Math Chain Challenge

Today I challenge you to keep a math chain of questions and answers going among you and your classmates. The way it works is you answer the math question posted by the person before you and then you post a question for the next person to answer. It can involve any...

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Accepting others for who they are and even ourselves for that matter is a great quality. Too often we are quick to talk about others or put ourselves down. Watch this award winning animation about a dog's twisted tale. What does this video teach us about acceptance?...

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Raz Kids

Raz Kids

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Word Power

Word Power

Quizlet Live

Quizlet Live

Wonder Wall

Wonder Wall

Book Flix- username and password are both cle345

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