845.680.1500 ceckert@socsd.org

I’m glad you enjoyed the weather report. Maybe we can discuss starting our own class newscast…. Blog Challenge: If you were mayor for the day, what laws would you create and why? Try to create 3 laws.

Happy Tuesday!!!

Hi, If you want to pratice robotics click on the link below in the CJ’s post. ??The link is to www.iknowthat.com Blog Challenge: If you were allowed to invent your own holiday what would it be called and what would the holiday celebrate? By...

Happy Thursday!!!

Hi guys remember we went to gym and we were dancing and we had to do stuff with jump rope that was fun.At snack time we saw a video of Mrs.Hess doing a weather report it was cool.Remember when we saw Ms.Prusinowski we were all in shock that she was here and around...

Who wants cookies? Let's divide them up!

Hello, Today we’ve had a busy day learning about division and how it is related to multiplication.  We are still researching information about our countires, states or cities. Students are learning to cross-reference their facts to make sure the information is...

Happy Monday

Hi everybody remember some of us thought that we were going to have p.e. but we had art. It was pretty fun and we did a self portrait and more. Don`t forget tommorrow is world math day don`t forget to study oh yay guess what Ms.Prusinowski came to visit. Feel better...