845.680.1500 ceckert@socsd.org

Hello From England!

Hello, I miss you all so much. I am writing from England where I’m having a lovely time catching up with everyone. I have seen all of my friends and family, I went rally driving at Silverstone and I also went to a spa where these little fish nibbled on my feet...

Hello, Wow, what a hot day! I have attached the Pull Tab song for you to practice singing. We want to be nice and loud and clear next week. 🙂 Stay cool and enjoy your evening. Remember, Friday is 80’s day so ask your mom’s and dad’s for ideas. 🙂 Blog...


WOW we came in first in the crazy clothes relay and third in the cup stacking relay. It was not that hot today and we had music we played The Fright of the Blunder B on the recorders. At recess some of us played capture the flag aginst the Mrs. Kolesar’s class....