845.680.1500 ceckert@socsd.org

Today we will look at the logic that underlies the game “Pico, Fermi, Bagel”.

How to Play:
The the game begins with one person secretly choosing a number with no repeated digits. We will start with a three digit number. Then others attempt to guess the number, and the one who chose the number responds to each guess as follows:

  • If the guess has no numbers correct, they respond: “Bagel.”
  • For each digit when the guess is correct but in the wrong place, respond: “Pico.”
  • For each digit when the guess is correct and in the correct place, respond: “Fermi.”
  • When all three digits are correct and in the correct place, respond: “CREAM CHEESE.”

We will play a few rounds of the game together, and then try to solve a couple problems related to the game.

Play this game at home with family or play online here – Pic, Fermi, BagelĀ or on Scratch – Pico, Fermi, BagelĀ