845.680.1500 ceckert@socsd.org

a1bc8e96204328ec6aba7ab5a4965397This month we are “wild” about cranes. Our book of the month, The Paper Crane, reminds us of the magical powers generosity can have on others and ourselves. We learned that:

  •  Generosity is the quality of being kind and giving.
  •  Generosity is freely sharing what you have with others.
  •  Generosity is being willing to offer money, help or time when it is needed.
  •  To be generous means giving something that is valuable to you without expectation of reward or return.
  •  Generosity doesn’t always cost money. Anyone can be more generous simply by sharing his/her spirit with others.

Our goal this month is to show generosity. Being generous does not have to cost money. You can be generous with your time, service and/or smile. In addition, you can be generous by donating a used coat to our Coat Drive, purchasing a new hat or mitten for the Winter Drive and/or making cranes for our school wide gift. Watch the video below or read these directions to make as many cranes as you can. Have fun!