“The Book with a Hole blasts a hole through the middle of the book itself. Sometimes the hole is an eye the reader can look through; sometimes it is a mouth and the reader’s fingers make the teeth! The next minute it is a plate (with food drawn by the reader on a sheet of paper behind the book), an obstacle to jump across, or a saucepan. It’s crazy! It’s a Book with a Hole!”
Cut a hole large enough to fit your whole body through the piece of paper.
Challenge: With the same sized paper, cut a hole for your entire class to fit through the piece of paper. What adjustments will you make for an entire school to fit in a piece of paper.
i is hard to do
It was fun and cool,but it was difficult.
It was fun but challenging and it stretched my brain.
It was really fun doing it but it was hard to.
It was really fun but it was complicated.
It was really fun and I can tell that I stretched my brain a lot and next I’ll try to make a hole big enough to fit our class through it
It was very creative but diffculte and also i loved it very much
I had a really fun time making it and it was so cool.
I never knew if you cut a hole in a piece of paper you can fit thru!:)
It was complicated but I eventually got it.
It was hard but fun