On April 12, our team met with SOCSD Board of Education. We were able to teach about our organization, presenting the our student’s hard work, goals and dedication. We engaged in a conversation about our vast team, discussing the different subteams of our organization, and our success from the FIRST Robotics Competition. We even demonstrated Borealis in action!
At the close of our presentation, the school district leadership expressed its pride in our team’s accomplishments and committed to covering the transportation and accommodation costs for our team to travel to FIRST Championship Detroit AND to convert our FIRST Robotics Competition team from a club to a “curricular activity” to provide SO BOTZ with more substantial and sustained school district funding going forward. Although we were thrilled with winning the Rookie All-Star Award, we had been concerned about whether we would be able to raise sufficient funds in time to go to Detroit. Not only did our school district come through with tremendous financial support, but a local restaurateur who has been following our progress donated $5,000 for team meals.
We’d like to thank our school for their support, and look forward to competing in Detroit this week at the FIRST World Championship!