Word of the Month: Friendship

Friendship is being caring and considerate to self and others. A kind person shows concern for the feelings of others and is helpful and generous.

When Mrs. Ruler asks five of her kindergarteners to miss recess, she’s got a special plan up her sleeve. She’s about to teach a new golden rule:

images (2)How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham

In a city full of hurried people, only young Will notices the bird lying hurt on the ground. With the help of his sympathetic mother, he gently wraps the injured bird and takes it home.

images (3)Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun by Marie Dismondy

How can Ralph be so mean? Lucy is one of a kind and Ralph loves to point that out. Lucy’s defining moment comes when Ralph truly needs help. Because she knows what she stands for, Lucy has the courage to make a good choice.

images (4)The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig

Meet Brian, the invisible boy. Nobody ever seems to notice him or think to include him in their group, game, or birthday party . . . until, that is, a new kid comes to class.
When Justin, the new boy, arrives, Brian is the first to make him feel welcome. And when Brian and Justin team up to work on a class project together, Brian finds a way to shine.

images (5)How to Fill Your Bucket by Carol McCloud and David Messing

Through the story of a little boy named Felix, this book explains to children how being kind not only helps others, it helps them, too. As he goes about his day, Felix interacts with different people — his sister Anna, his grandfather, other family and friends. Some people are happy, but others are grumpy or sad. Using the metaphor of a bucket and dipper, Felix’ grandfather explains why the happy people make Felix feel good, while the others leave him feeling bad — and how Felix himself is affecting others, whether he means to or not.

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Do You Want to be My Friend? by Eric Carle

In a 2009 Newsweek article, Eric Carle was asked which of his books were his favorite. He named this book, stating that it was an autobiographical story of his search for friendship as an immigrant 5-year-old. He finally found a close friend just before he moved back to Germany, which was soon war-torn.

Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day, our class participated in a school-wide Vetiquette program. Along with Mrs. Coughlin's class, we made a beautiful red, white and blue wreath with our hand cutouts with touching words on it. The wreath will be presented to the family of Army 2nd Lieutenant Darryl Dean Andrews of Dallas TX who bravely died in Afghanistan in 2008. We know his parents, wife and children will be very touched. DSC02408 (1024x768)

Our Trip to the Zoo!

We had a great day at the Turtleback Zoo yesterday. The spring weather could not have been better! The children enjoyed our outdoor lunch, sea lions, a red panda, bobcats, stingrays, bisons and more. We topped off the day with a train ride around the zoo!

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Craft Project Event

We earned another 50 marbles for being a STAR class. The children voted and the first winner was a craft project event. The children used assorted craft materials and created the most beautiful masterpieces. Here are some pictures of the event.

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Character Education Assembly

We had our Character Education Assembly today. We worked with Mrs. Schaefer's first grade class to present what we have learned about the word of the month, persistence. We know about sticking with something and never giving up. We try our best and persevere to complete the task. Here are some photos. DSC02337 (640x480) DSC02339 (640x480) DSC02340 (640x480) DSC02341 (640x480) DSC02349 (640x480)