Caring Community Member

Many of you mentioned a desire to care for the Earth. We can begin caring for the Earth by being mindful of how our everyday actions in school and at home affect the environment.

Image result for students caring for the classroom environment

1. Write one UNIQUE way we can be more mindful of caring for the Earth in our classroom.

2. Write one UNIQUE way we can be more mindful of caring for the Earth in our school.

3. On a slightly different topic, a school goal this year is to connect to our community (to be active citizens). List one way you can volunteer in our community sometime between now and Wednesday (9/11) to participate in September 11th’s Day of Volunteering.

September is Empathy Month

This year our Character Education theme is “Communities form Connections.” Through building relationships, we can build a better school, community and world. Each month we will highlight a character trait and use a read aloud to reinforce this trait.

September is Communities Show Empathy. Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah wrote 14 Cows for America. One inscription reads, “To all the little children who read this book. You are the peace the world has been waiting for. May you grow to be compassionate diplomats.” You have the ability to make the world and our school a better place.

What can you do this year to heal a sorrowing heart? How will you show empathy?

Please post your comment to our class blog. Remember… this blog is an extension of our classroom. Communicate clearly and be respectful of others.

Blogging Expectations

As a responsible student in an online conversation, I promise that when I communicate online:

1. Everything I post will be my own work. I will not plagiarize.

2. I will use language appropriate for school.

3. I will respect my fellow classmates and their writing.

4. I will only post information that I feel comfortable with everyone seeing.

5. I will take blogging seriously, posting comments that are meaningful and contribute to the conversation.

6. I will not use blogging as a chat room. I understand that it is not a place to talk about my personal plans.

7. I will take time writing thoughtful responses.

8. I will only post comments that I have fully read. I will edit spelling, grammar, and punctuation prior to posting.

9. I will never access another student’s account/identity and make changes to his/her site.

10. I will enjoy the opportunity of having a voice in online conversations!

Patriotism – Character Education

Patriotism is the word of the month for our Character Education program. On May 17th we will come together as a school community and wear red, white and blue.

Patriotism is the quality of being supportive for one’s country. One way to show devotion to our country is to honor and respect the American flag. Pam Ryan’s The Flag We Love reminds us of our country’s ideals.

Ronald Reagan said, “If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.” Another way to show your patriotism is to honor our service men and women. Vetiquette is a character education program that teaches children the importance of showing gratitude for our veterans and particularly for gold star families (families that have lost an immediate family member in service to our country). Here are additional biographies of some true American Heroes – Vetiquette 2019.

A Blue Star Family Member is someone who has an immediate family member serving now. (Immediate family member means a parent, child or sibling)

A Gold Star Family member is someone who had an immediate family member die while serving our country.


Celebrating holidays like Labor Day, Patriot Day, Independence Day and Flag Day are ways to show Patriotism. Memorial Day is this month and is an important holiday to show patriotism. Here’s more.