
socksThis month at Cottage Lane there are so many ways to be creative while thinking of others.

  • The Student Advisory Council Kid is sponsoring Socktober. Read more about it here, CLE Soctober.
  • This small act of love also inspired this month’s creativity challenge. Mrs. McBride is challenging all students to research and create a cute sock animal. Find out more details here, Sock Challenge.
  • To celebrate both events, wear crazy socks on October 27th.

World Math Day

Are you looking for a fun way to practice your math facts? Would you like to compete with students from all over the world? World Math Day is for you! Register and begin practicing today! On October 13-15 you can compete with students from all over the world using your math skills. Watch the video to find out more. Then, ask your parents to register you by clicking this link and begin practicing today!

Bridges of Manhattan

Each class will make a slide show of the bridges we may see on our Circle Line Cruise field trip. Each student is responsible for making a slide on his/her assigned bridge. You will need an image of your assigned bridge and will need to provide the required information on your bridge. You have been assigned a slide number. You should only work on your slide. Let’s see if your class can work together to create a quality, informative presentation. 

Ms. O’Brien’s Class Presentation


Mr. Krump’s Class Presentation


Tackle Math Ball

The first day of Fall was on Wednesday, September 23rd. Football season is also underway. Let’s celebrate the season and brush up on math facts with Tackle Math Ball.


Game Instruction:

  • Step 1.) Choose your team, the computer (or opponent’s) team, and the time limit. When you play the computer, some teams are harder to beat than others. For example, you have only 4 seconds to answer math facts when you play the Pittsburgh Steelers, whereas you have 15 seconds to answer math facts when you play the Philadelphia Eagles.
  • Step 2.) Rumble down the field by answering math facts in the given time. On defense, you stop the opponent from advancing when you click on the math problem that matches the answer. Enjoy the game.

Maker Faire NYC 2015


Maker Faire New York Badge logo

World Maker Faire – 6th Annual
New York Hall of Science, Queens
September 26 & 27
Saturday and Sunday 10AM – 6PM

image description

What is Maker Faire?

We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth. Maker Faire is part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new! As a celebration of the Maker Movement, it’s a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. Faire gathers together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, food artisans, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. Makers come to show their creations and share their learnings. Attendees flock to Maker Faire to glimpse the future and find the inspiration to become Makers themselves.