Create Your Own Powerful Learning Community

Image result for students in classroom working in groups

Today’s Questions:

1) What types of school activities do you feel will best prepare you for your future?

2)  What can you and your classmates do to help create an effective classroom with a focus on learning?

78 thoughts on “Create Your Own Powerful Learning Community

  1. 1) I think students will need to know how to share resources. Some of the Earth’s resources are limited and our population is growing. We will need to know how to share our fresh water supply and how to keep our air clean.

    2) In the classroom, the students will need to participate in activities that give them a chance to share resources. We need to try not to waste resources like water by doing such actions as taking home our water bottles and pouring left over water onto plants, instead of down the drain.

    • 1) One of the school activities I feel would best prepare me for my future is writing. Writing will help me make other children get more into reading and writing.
      2) My classmates and I can listen and do what the teacher asks to help create a learning environment. If that doesn’t work I can help my classmates by telling them what Ms. O’Brien said.

  2. 1) I think we should do more reading and writing. We should do that because we need to express feelings towards things so other people can find out about it and also try. If we do more reading and writing then we will learn more and then try it on our own.
    2) We can try to read more. Then maybe we should like write about it. Then other people might want to do it too.

  3. 1) I think that we should do more of what interests you. If a student wants to be a scientist they should focus on science. If a student wants to be a matematician they should focus on math.

    2) Students could try to work efficiently. When we do more things, we learn more.

    • I agree. An important skill can be different for anyone because it depends on what skill they need for what they do. If your a writer you need to write well and know what kids would in joy.

    • I like your answer for the first question because if you want to be a mathematician learning how to write wouldn’t help much when your a mathematician.

      I like that you said that students should work efficiently.

  4. 1)I think that will best prepare me for my future is to read.I think this because this will work with are stamina and comprehension. Reading will also prepare me for tests.

    2) My classmate and I can about the book and write about all the amazing characters. Than maybe they can get a parter and talk about what they read and then they might want to read the book to.

    • Emma, I think that those are two Awesome ideas, And the first idea will absolutely make a better future for not only for you but for all of us, and the second idea will definently make a better class!

    • I agree with what you said on the first question because reading is a subject that will help you prepare for your future. It will also help you get better at writing because in books you will hear harder words and you could put them into your writing.

    • I agree that reading will prepare you for the future and will show you stamina and comprehension. Stamina and comprehension are valuable skills for the future. Without stamina you can’t do many things.

  5. 1) I think that a school activity will help me and others in math. For instance a school math book.
    2) We can try to sit next to new people we would usually not sit next to because it will help us make new friends.

  6. 1) I think that reading,writing and math will prepare me for the future because reading will give me more information and skills. Writing will allow our imagination to grow and last but not least math will give us more facts.

    2) I think that my classmates and I can focus more on learning by not talking when the teacher is talking, raise our hand and don’t distract our classmates if trying to concentrate, take a test or focus on what the teacher is saying.

    • I think those are two great ideas because you are thinking well and taking your time to think about what will make a better future for you and making a better classroom I think that after you thought about what you are going to write your thoughts came out WONDERFUL!

    • I think that reading, writing, and math are the three most important subjects in school because once you learn to do all those subjects, the rest should be easy. For instance once you learn to write a paragraph or an essay, you might need to write a paragraph on why the science experiment went wrong, or if it went right, why did it.

      • Personally, I think that the most important subject is reading because if your doing a word problem in math how will you be able to read it. without reading you couldn’t do writing either. How would you be able to proof read?

    • I agree with you on the secand anser because not talking while the teacher is talking will help you listen more and you will learn more witch will help you when you get older.

    • I agree with that on how those subjects help us in the future and in our lives. Reading for information is valuable. And writing and math will also help.

  7. 1)I think what will best prepare my future is math because you do math every day, for example without math we would not have school

  8. 1) I feel that vocabulary and proper grammar can get you far. I think we should learn a few new words a week.

    2) I believe that organization is important
    and it can also help prepare us.

  9. 1) I think that reading,writing and math will prepare me for my future because reading will give me information and skills. Writing will give me more imagination and math will give me more facts.

    2) I think that my classmates and I can focus more by doing these 3 things. Don’t talk when the teacher is talking, raise our hand and don’t distract our classmates if trying to take a test, concentrate on the teacher or trying to concentrate on work.

    • I forgot that reading helps you with many skills. When you read nonfiction you learn about things like social studies or math. You are also looking at proper grammar when you read.

  10. 1) I think math is what will help me prepare for the future because math is what you really have to study for
    2) We can try to do more partner work with different people.

  11. 1) I think that I should do more constant reading for at least 20 minutes. I think that would help me because reading is my least confident subject. I think that will help me get more into reading so then it can boost my confidence in reading.

    2) I think that we should make positive posters to put in the hall. Then children can feel encouraged as they walk past them.

  12. 1) I think reading in your head independently could help you because when you get a driving license you will need to no what all the sign say on the road And Reading out loud because when you say speech he won’t get messed up because you’re easily more used to it because you practice Reading out loud

    2) Work together more often lien different activities with different kids

  13. 1) I think everything we do in school prepares us for our future, Even the little games that we do at free time Friday, or stuff like that, Free time Friday lets us explore our creativity when we are drawing and when exploring sites on the chromebooks we are discovering new things and in every other subject we are always learning new things that prepares us for the future

    2) I think our class can listen to directions more, pay attention to the teacher more and WORK HARD, Nothing Beats Working Hard!

    • I agree with you about learning new things that can help prepare us for the future. I also think that we should listen to the teacher more and work hard. Those are really good examples of an effective classroom.

    • I agree with that post. Creativity will help us in the future and will help us develop more imagination and can also help us in writing. If you are doing free writing imagination and creativity will help you. Drawing will also help with showing our thoughts in a free and powerful way. Because each picture is worth a thousand words. Such as a picture of a landscape is detailed and can make you feel like your there. And if you can just describe the picture it is many words. You see the grass the mountains maybe the plains or the prairie or the oceans and you can’t describe that with a few words. Everything in school helps you for the future. That is why I agree with Haley’s post about how every little thing prepares us for the future.

  14. 1) I think math is what will help me prepare for the future because math is what you really have to study for
    2) We can try to do more partner work with different people.

  15. 1) I feel that reading is the best activity to prepare us for the future,because its helps us with our vocabulary and with communication in writing and speaking.

    2) I think that we need to listen to our teachers and to our classmates and to respect everyone’s thoughts and ideas.

    • I agree with Eva. Listening to our teachers and classmates will create a learning environment because the more you listen the more you learn. So I do agree with Eva

    • I think that reading is the best activity to prepare us. I think it helps our communication and vocabulary as well. I think we also need to listen to our teachers and classmates. We should also respect everyone’s thoughts and ideas.

  16. 1) I fell that Math is the best activity to prepare us for the future because math is used for a lot of thing like fractions,buying things and measuring things.

    2) I think that we need to listen and respect everyone’s personal opinions and not judge anybody.

  17. 1) I think that writing is an important skill to learn in school, because, if I know how to write well, then I can express my thoughts on paper that other people could read.

    2) I think that to have an effective classroom everyone must respect each other.

  18. 1) I think that reading will best prepare me for my future. I think this because you can always read about other subjects like science, social studies, and math.

    2) To be an effective classroom we should all listen to our teacher and pay attention when the teacher is giving directions.

  19. 1. I think math is a important skill in many ways. Geometry is important in building and architecture because you need to know about angles and lines. Doctors and nurses use math to measure patients weight, height, and other tests. Teachers need to know math to teach to there students.

    2. I think kids should not go to the bathroom during lessons. We should also not raise our hand while someone is talking because they probably thinking about there comment and not what the other person is saying.

  20. 1) I think you should pursue what you want to be, but you also still want to learn about other subjects to find out which one fits you. Also you should work more on what subject you aren’t very good so at the end of the year if your goal was to get better in math, you can say that you are now excellent at math.

    2) One way you can have an effective classroom is to pay attention and don’t talk when the teacher is talking so that you can be the best person that you can be. Another way you can have an effective classroom is to not talk in the hallways. Also at lunch you should cooperate with the lunch aids during lunch and recess.

  21. 1. I think math will prepare us for our future because many jobs including teachers, doctors, architects, engineers and especially many scientists, these are very important jobs, they save lives, they teach people, they even build people homes through the use of math. We could of never of done it without math, thats why this world needs math, for all our futures for everybody around the world.

    2.To keep keep the class focused ask questions related to the lesson. Also always raise your hand when you do have a comment or question and never interrupt your teacher or your classmates. Talk quietly or don’t talk when your not supposed to. Don’t distract your classmates when in the middle of a lesson or working on something else.

      • I agree. Math is a very important subject. I think is is very useful and we should do more of it to prepare for the future. I also agree about raising your hand is important too.

    • 1) I also agree that math would prepare us for our future because like you said it would help us get jobs and money for a better life, and math would definitely make us smarter.

      2) I also agree that to keep the class focused on the subject you could ask questions related to the lesson, for example if someone is talking to you on the rug and the teacher does not notice you could raise your hand and ask about the topic. That would most likely get your classmates attention.

      In conclusion I think that Aris did a very nice job.

  22. 1. I believe that strengthening my math skills will help me very much in the future. I can study at home, bring flash cards with me when I am “on the go”, pay extra attention in class, and do my best to ask necessary questions. I also know that if I know that I have excellent math skills this will help me peruse in my future career.

    2. I think that we can participate in a balanced amount of independent tasks / activities. I think that we can all do our best and try not get distracted during class.

        • I agree about math and trying your best in question one.
          I think if you study hard and your best it can prepare you for the future. I also agree with question two. Both independent and group work. It would be a useful.

      • I agree that math is very important for the future and you should always learn “on the go” and to practice wherever and whenever you are or you go.
        You should also participate in those types of activities and focus more if you want to learn. I think that learning math is very helpful for the future.

      • I think the same to because if we don’t get something in math you can use flash cards to work on it. To add on you can use flash cards to study before a test.

  23. I for one think that later in life that math will really matter. For example, taxes, bills, and checks will be a real hassle if you didn’t learn simple fractions and addition in grade school. Another example is that when you get a job anywhere you have to use simple math to keep track of your work. So I conclude that later in life math will get you far, so to prevent having trouble later in life, in class you must think about how you can have a bright future ahead of you if you would only pay attention and work hard.

  24. 1For the future reading will be great for every kid will need reading skills for the future. reading is great for your brain

    2Now matter what what you like to to it is always an excellent way to now vocabulary.

  25. i agree with you because vocabulary is very important in life like you will need vocabulary for jobs. and reading is good in life two if you want to be a libarian you will need to be a good reader

  26. I think we should expand our by doing more math and language arts.I think we shoud do more challenging work and do lees talking and more working.

  27. 1) I think the reading on another level because you need todo a lot of reading in your life.You need to read to get a job in life, if you want to be a teacher you need to read the kids books.

    2) I think reading could be best for the hole class because it can be fun.If you read you will get smarter in the when you read.

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