Fireboat and September 11th

Patriot Day is an annual observance on September 11. Patriot Day is to remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001.  Courage is September’s Word of the Month. September 11th reminds us of all those who displayed great acts of courage that day. We must remember that ordinary citizens have the power to be extraordinary.  Maira Kalman’s Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey inspires all of us to be heroic, no matter our size or age. 

Fireboat is our book of the month to demonstrate our word of the month “courage.” 

Consider one of the following options and post your comment to the blog:

  • How does the Fireboat serve as a patriotic symbol of America?
  • Identify a scenario where you will display courage this school year?
  • Write a thank you letter to local fire departments/ police departments for their daily acts of courage.
  • Visit and read and additional news article. Share what you learned to this post. 

21 thoughts on “Fireboat and September 11th

  1. I will display courage on the school playground and go on the monkey bars. In second grade I broke my wrist on them. I’ve been nervous about them from then on. So, this year I will try them again this year.

    • Good luck, Julia. People do say that it is good to get right back up on a horse or bike when you fall off to get over the fear. Let me know how it goes.

  2. The fire boat serves as a patriotic symbol for America because it saved many lives during 9/11. It was the first fire boat that didn’t run on steam. On September 11, it was first used to get people and bring them to the dock and then they used it to pump water for the firefighters onto the fire.

  3. I think Fireboat is a patriotic symbol for America because Fireboat fought in 9/11. The boat also is a old boat and nobody thought it could be used to put out fires. Turns out on 9/11 people proved it is useful in many ways by helping police officers,firefighters,and the ambulance with 9/11. And even though the Fireboat is retired I think it is in pretty good shape for a boat to be so old. That is why Fireboat is a patriotic symbol for America.

    • Yes, it helped heal a wounded city and on that day everyone in America was united in grief, therefore, the boat helped heal a wounded nation.

  4. I would like to choose the topic of why the Fireboat serves as a patriotic symbol of America. I think it shows that the patriotic symbol of America because 9/11 was a big deal. I think that the Fireboat was a HUGE help to 9/11. If the Fireboat wasn’t there, the fires would take a LONG time to take out. That is why I think the serves as a patriotic symbol of America.


  5. My uncle Thomas is a FDNY fire boat pilot and told me a bit about the John J. Harvey. The John J. Harvey was built in the 1930s and was named after a fire boat pilot that died. It fought many fires on cruise ships, piers, etc. It retired in the 1990s. On September 11 2001 it was brought back as the marine 2. it could fire 18,000 gallons of water per minute. It was working for 80 hours straight until they put the fire out enough so the people could repair the fire hydrants. The Harvey was a hero

    • Wow! Patrick, you got the inside scoop. What is the name of the fire boat that your uncle pilots? Thank goodness for the Harvey on September 11th. There would undoubtedly have been more destruction in lower Manhattan.

  6. The Fireboat was a patriotic symbol of America because it was able to fight fires in New York City especially the largest fire at the World Trade fires. The Fireboat owners helped save Americans by moving them away from the burning buildings. The owners of the boat came back so firemen could use its hoses to put out the building fires since there was no water underground. The Fireboat owners put their lives at risk helping to save the people trapped in the buildings.

  7. The fire boat is a patriotic symbol because it is an old fire boat and it served since the 1930’s. The boat was part of the bicentennial celebration in 1976 and helped during the twin towers attack in 2001.

  8. I think The Fireboat serves as a patriotic symbol of America because it helped the other firefighters and boats stop the fire at the world trade center. This demonstrates one act of kindness the Fireboat did to help America. Another reason the Fireboat is a patriotic symbol to America is that it helped people from the accident to safety. This is another act of kindness the Fireboat did to help the people at the world trade center at the time. One more reason the Fireboat is a patriotic symbol is that now, it is a very historical boat to some kids, and they admire it. That is one other reason the Fireboat is a patriotic symbol to kids. Those are three reasons of why I think the Fireboat is a patriotic symbol to America.

  9. This book shows courage in lots of ways. One way is that everything can make a difference. In the book they said that the Harvey can’t fight fires but it did and saved lives that could have been lost. How will you show courage this month?

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