As a responsible student in an online conversation, I promise that when I communicate online:
1. Everything I post will be my own work. I will not plagiarize.
2. I will use language appropriate for school.
3. I will respect my fellow classmates and their writing.
4. I will only post information that I feel comfortable with everyone seeing.
5. I will take blogging seriously, posting comments that are meaningful and contribute to the conversation.
6. I will not use blogging as a chat room. I understand that it is not a place to talk about my personal plans.
7. I will take time writing thoughtful responses.
8. I will only post comments that I have fully read. I will edit spelling, grammar, and punctuation prior to posting.
9. I will never access another student’s account/identity and make changes to his/her site.
10. I will enjoy the opportunity of having a voice in online conversations!