This month the Hulk challenges to use our Superpower, Gratitude. Kid President has a few ideas for us too.
Here are three challenges:
- Call that special person on the green slip and let them know how grateful you are for him/her. Return the slip to school and link it to our gratitude chain.
- Bring in an item for our Food Drive.
- Be inspired by The Secret of Saying Thanks and keep a 21-Day Gratitude Journal. Read and listen to our book of the month here – Secret of Saying Thanks. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for. They can be super simple—and nothing is too small. For example: 1. Favorite cereal this AM 2. Warm bed to sleep in 3. Funny chat with my brother. Do this for 21 days, But you can’t list your family members by name over and over. You have to write different things each day—this is how you learn to flex your gratitude muscle.Why 21 days? Scientists believe it takes that long for something to become a habit. Good luck!
I love the design and color of your product this time slope 3 online.