Conserving water, greenhouse gases, recycling plastic bags, … were just a few of the topics presented at our first Earth Day Fair. The students in my Science classes worked with partners to create games that were to inform students about topics related to caring for the Earth, while engaging the students in fun activities. Most partnerships or groups of three researched a topic and created an information board to which the visitors could refer to answer questions, enabling them to then engage in an activity and possibly earn a “prize.” Plastic caps were the prizes. And, boy were they coveted! Why? If a class collected enough caps, they could earn the chance to have no homework for one night. Never before were plastic caps so valuable.
Not only did the visitors (mostly 3rd and 4th grade students from classes that have been paired with my class and Mr. Krump’s class) have fun, however, but when asked what we could do better next year, the students in my class responded, “This was the best day ever!” Mind you, it was the last day of the state math test, too. 😉
The fair is so much fun, I shared the project with my family and now they are even doing it!
Me too! I brought my game home and my sisters wanted to play it 🙂