Welcome to Fifth Grade

I am so excited to begin a new year and to embark on fantastic learning adventures with our class. In an effort to get to know each of you better and for you to get to know each other better, I’d like to ask you to answer a few questions through our class blog. 

Today’s question:

What have you most loved learning (even if not in school)? Why was this important to you?

Please remember to write in full sentences.  Also, please write a thoughtful response to someone else’s reply. Remember to write respectful, thoughtful, full sentences.

69 thoughts on “Welcome to Fifth Grade

  1. What I love to learn outside of school is. Snow boarding because it what I love to do in the winter and it helps me by not staying inside all day and learning new things like tricks on it.

  2. I loved taking a wilderness survival course. I learned that lightning can scatter like water – splashing. This information was important to me because I love to hike, and it may help save my life or the life of a friend.

  3. What I most loved learning is learning how to bake. I love to bake because it takes your mind off of things that are stressing you, and it usually tastes good at the end. Baking is important to me because I love the feeling of giving a sweet treat to someone who needs it.

    • Me too Ailish! What do you like to bake cakes, cu cakes, cake- pops etc. Also do ever bake for a party or a certain celebration.

    • Ailish,
      I appreciate your comment. Making something for someone can give us a great feeling. And, the wonderful smells of baking make a house feel like a home. You can explore your creative and scientific sides, too, while you bake.
      I love baking, too. As I am getting older I have learned to give away more than I keep.

  4. What I love most to learn is soccer. I love to play soccer because I get to kick the ball and I get to throw the ball if I am goalie. Soccer is important to me because I get to play with my friends and just have fun!

    • I’m curious to know how playing soccer affects brain development. How does foot-eye coordination affect the brain in a different way than hand-eye coordination (tennis, baseball, basketball, etc)?

      I love the reason soccer is important to you. Keep enjoying having fun and exercising with your friends.

  5. What I love to learn most about is basketball. What I love about it is that you get score baskets and compete against other teams. This is important to me because I have been playing basketball since I was young and I love so much! 🙂

  6. I love science because there’s almost a endless amount of knowledge you can gain while exploring science, and it’s a fun subject to think about, it always has you thinking.

  7. What I love learning most is math because I like to know I use math on everyday bases. Another reason I love math because I love challenges and learning new things. The last reason I love math is because you expand all your nollage to a newer level.

      • Fiona, I was wondering the same thing? What type of math do you enjoy most? Or is it solving puzzles or problems that you love?

        Like the two of you, I have always loved math, too. I remember being in fifth grade and loving doing my math homework.

  8. What I love to learn outside of school in the winter is ski because my dad teaches me. The reason why I like my dad teaching is because I get to spend some time with him. Also it gives me an opportunity to get out of the house taking advantage of snow days.

  9. I like to learn math because we use it everyday.Also I like learning math because there is so many fun activities and challenges to acomplish.Most of all you need math for basically any job so if you learn math you can be successful.

    • Wow Fiona that’s so cool! I love learning math too. There are so many places and situations you find you’re self doing math. What is the craziest situation you found you’re self doing math in?

      • Ah, two more math lovers. Fiona, you’re right, math is all around us. Here is our latest, crazy math situation. Tonight, my daughter and I were reading a book together entitled, Counting on Frank. In the back of the book, there is a problem that refers to the size of a boy’s bedroom as greater than the size of his kitchen. We thought our kitchen was larger than our daughter’s bedroom, so we pulled out the measuring tape and measured the dimensions. The kitchen is larger.

  10. What I love learning most is math because I use math on an everyday basis. Another reason I love math is because I love challenges and learning new things. The last reason I love math is because I expand all of my knowledge to a newer, higher level.

  11. I loved learning to code. I first got interested when I started doing scratch about two years ago, then I got into the lego robotics team at school. I already had my own lego mindstorm at home but this taught me how to use it. Then I started to make my own mod for Minecraft.

  12. I like to learn about tennis. Why? Well you learn different strokes every day most of them are super hard. You also want to have a growth mind set cause somethings can
    be hard, and you don’t want to get frustrated and give up strait away. I also love tennis because you get to learn new thing wall being active at the same time!

  13. What I love to learn most about is the news! I love finding out about new gossip about people and what’s going around here.I like learning new cool facts.

  14. love learning about geography and history, mostly of the British Isle in Europe. The British Isle has two islands in it Ireland and Great Britain, in the Island of Ireland it has the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, and in the Island of Great Britian is Wales, Scotland, and England. The United Kingdom has Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and England. The UK lost all of its over sea territory’s in World War Two, but The British Isle are a great place to visit especially if you want to see the iconic Queen’s Guards, Doudle Decker Red Buses, and Big Ben(Queen Elizabeth II Tower).

    • Wow! We even have Harry Potter responding on our blog.
      Matthew, I noticed you checking out Ireland on the map in your homework organizer. Is this a new interest – due to the map in the organizer, or have you been interested in this topic for a while? What piqued curiosity into this topic?

      • I had this interest before this year, and infact from the beginning of summer, I think this interest started when I was reading the magical British novel, Harry Potter. Did you know that there are only 22 country on earth that have not been invaded

  15. Outside of school I learned that if I go hiking that if the color of the snake is red next to black it is not poisonous but if red is next to yellow it is poisonous .So now I know for next time.

  16. My Favorite thing to learn is basketball because there is so many new moves that you can learn like the reverse layup or the studerstep. Sometimes when you miss a shot and the ball rolls right on wet grass, I get so mad AAAAAAARRRR!!! ”That’s so annoying. Now I have a wet ball’ ‘I often say. My favorite part about basketball is having a pickup game with my friends. This is one of the reasons why I like basketball.

    • Alex,

      It sounds like you are quite experienced in the sport. I remember one time I was playing with a friend, and we were as frustrated as you when our basketball would get wet. However, we reveled in the crazy shots that went in the basket, when it seemed there was no chance.

  17. I loved fishing with my cousin and catching fish. something i learned over the years was that if you had a fish on your line (catfish) and yanked it out of the water with your rod in the air the fish’s back fin will stab you.

  18. wow matt, i did’t know about the British isle and i never knew that England was part of the British isle (even know i studied England in 3 grade)!

    • How did you develop an interest in this sport? Do you play one position, or are you moved around to develop experience in several positions?

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