April’s Word of the Month: Flexibility

April’s word of the month is flexibility. Having a positive and hopeful attitude helps us to overcome challenges. When times are difficult or mistakes are made, it is important to stay motivated and be flexible. Being flexible helps us when we need to cope with changes. Flexibility helps us to think about problems in new, creative ways. This is also a great way to connect and understand growth mind-sets and fixed mind-sets. Being flexible is helpful in developing our true potential.


Read: But Excuse Me That is My Book by Lauren Child

In this funny “Charlie and Lola” adventure, Lola insists on going to the library to get her favorite book, the same one she has taken out over and over again. What will happen when she discovers that the book she loves is not on the library shelves? Will Lola be flexible and take an different book from the library shelves?

Flexibility is the Thinking Skill that focuses on the ability to adapt to new situations, improvise, and shift strategies to meet different types of challenges. Dealing with uncertainty, creative problems solving and handling change make take practice! Test your flexibility! Play the games  “Me and the Key”“Think Outside the Flock”  and “A Spoon Full of Sugar” 

Look at things differently and come up with creative solutions to problems. Identify an object from around the house and think about it differently. For example, different ways to use a phone book, such as for a booster seat, a doorstop, or a fire starter. Turn pots and pans into a drum set, or make a fort out of the couch and pillows.

In the comment section below,  identify an object and describe how it would be used differently.

Remember…The username for a teacher’s blog is your first initial lastname and the password is your lunch code!


Gratitude, Pass it On!

grat·i·tude noun ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd : a feeling of appreciation or thanks

“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” -Henri-Frederic Amiel Philosopher, Poet, Critic

Gratitude is being Thankful!

Dallas Clayton is an American author and illustrator best known for his children’s works in the Awesome Book series. Clayton's adventure started a few years ago after he wrote and illustrated a book for his son called An Awesome Book!. The drawings were bold and the message was simple: Don't ever stop dreaming, and when you do dream, dream BIG.

Not a single publisher was interested in the book, so he took matters into his own hands and published it himself. Clayton made the story available to read for free online. People started sharing his story and those people shared his story and so on so forth … readers of the Awesome Book exponentially grew and has impacted children as well as adults. 

Read, The Awesome Book, the book that started it all!

an awesome thanksDallas Clayton published a second book titled,  The Awesome Book of Thanks

 A whimsical, Seuss-esque book that will inspire readers to appreciate the big and little things in life. "Deliciously childlike art…skips across the pages, sometimes silly, sometimes practical…and always appealing." (Booklist)


courage (kur-ij, kuhr-ij)
(noun) The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger or pain without fear; bravery.


Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun written by Maria Dismondy, illustrated by Kim Shaw

“Lucy, Lucy, eats stinky food that puts us all in a big, bad mood!” How can Ralph be so mean, Lucy wonders? Lucy is one of a kind, and Ralph loves to point that out. Lucy’s defining moment comes when Ralph truly needs her help. Because she knows what she stands for, Lucy has the courage to make the right choice. This charming story empowers children to always do the right thing and to be proud of themselves even when they are faced with someone as challenging as Ralph.

There are many stories of bravery and courage. When have you taken yourself out of your comfort zone? What have you attempted and failed? Did you have the courage to try again? Got Grit? Prove it!