Looking Closely- Observing, Listing and Labeling Like Scientists

In Writer’s Workshop the children have been observing,collecting, studying and writing about bits of their world. This unit ties in with our science curriculum and also provides an opportunity for informational writing.

Skills and Strategies Taught( What it looks and sounds like)

*Writers are exact in drawing and labeling scientific artifacts
*Writers “zoom in” and create close up drawings
*Writers add words to tell more

*Writers look again and find details they may have missed

Ways to support your child at home:

*Provide paper, pens, and a writing spot to encourage writing
*Encourage your child to get outside and collect interesting artifacts. Then write about them.
*Help develop an understanding of sound symbol relationships by encouraging your child to stretch out words and write the sounds he/she hears.Your child may be able to write only the first sound or first and last. Celebrate all attempts.

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