Meet the Teacher

My name is Alison Costello and I am thrilled
to be your child's teacher this 
year. 1st grade is a magical year in which you will
see you children grow in ways you could never imagine!
I cannot tell you how excited I am to be able to 
help them along on this wonderful journey this year.
Let me tell you a little bit 
about myself. 

I grew up in West Nyack and 
have had a strong connection to South 
Orangetown schools my entire life. 
My mother, Evelyn Murphy, was a teacher 
at Cottage Lane for over 30 years 
so I grew up understanding what a wonderful 
place South Orangetown is to go to 
grow up and go to school. 

I have a wonderful husband and two amazing children,
Juliet who is 4 1/2 and Alex who will be 3 in November.
There is NO DOUBT your children will be coming home
 with lots of stories 
about them. 

I  received a B.A. from Fordham University at 
Lincoln Center in Performance Theatre. After 
teaching and performing around NYC I decided to 
return to school and get my Masters Degrees in 
Childhood Education and Educational Administration
at Long Island University. I am also 
certified to teach Gifted and Talented. 

My teaching career began at P.S.187 in 
Washington Heights where I taught
Kindergarten for 4 years.  I was overjoyed when
in 2004 I was offered a 1st
Grade position at William O. Schaefer.  
I spent 3 wonderful years at W.O.S.
and was then given the opportunity to teach 
2nd grade! I taught 2nd grade for 9 years and 
am SO excited to be back teaching 1st graders 

In my spare time I love to be involved 
in theatre, read, write, cook and spend
time with my family and friends. I hope this
gives you a little more insight
into who I am.  I can't wait to meet all of 
you and learn about you and your