How tall are you?
I am 5’11”.

What is the best way to reach you?
E-MAIL, E-MAIL, E-MAIL! I check it a few times during the day! If you need to reach me immediately you can call the office at 845-680-1420.

Do I need to send my child in to school with a snack?
Yes. Please make sure you send your child into school with a healthy snack each day.

What if my child is being picked up?
If you are picking your child up or you are having someone else pick your child up, you must send a note in that day. They will not be sent to the pick-up room if there is no note.

Can my child celebrate their birthday in school?
Yes. You can send in one snack for the class to enjoy at snack time. You can drop it off in the office.

What if my child has an allergy?
As per school policy, your child is welcome to keep special snacks in the classroom or the nurses office for class celebrations.

How can I participate in school activities?
We have Mystery Readers which you are welcome to sign up for each week, and there will be opportunities for families to come in for celebrations and other special events throughout the year.