Primary and Secondary Resources

Second grade students will learn how to identify and differentiate between primary and secondary sources. What is a Primary Source? Primary sources are original records of the political, economic, artistic, scientific, social, and intellectual thoughts and achievements of specific historical periods. Produced by the people who participated in and witnessed the past, primary sources offer… Read More Primary and Secondary Resources

Bridge Support

Kindergarten students will begin work in the science lab with Mrs. Levine exploring the science unit, The Materials in Our World. The unit will provide opportunities for students to observe and compare the properties of a variety of kinds of wood, paper, fabric, and earth materials. Hands-on activities allowed students to discover what happens when they… Read More Bridge Support

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is a holiday celebrating the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492. The event is celebrated in many countries including the United States, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Spain. Carefully watch and listen to the video from the History Channel.  Pretend you are Christopher Columbus. What would your mom… Read More Columbus Day